Ode to a Radish

Radishes, those pungent, spicy and highly crunchy little vegetables have been used for centuries to treat illnesses such as sore throats, bile disorders and inflammation in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. They have an abundance of vitamins and minerals such as:

Folate: Also known as a B vitamin, it synthesizes white/red blood cells in bone marrow and is essential for the process of creating DNA and RNA.

Potassium: This mineral regulates and keeps fluids of the body in balance. It also supports electrical activity of the heart and the function of the entire nervous system.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is involved with many important functions in the body and can help with the formation of collagen and the strengthening of blood vessel walls.

Vitamin B6: A water-soluble vitamin, also known as pyridoxine, is needed for numerous enzyme reactions in the body, mainly metabolism.

The profile of a radish is very diverse and offers a wide scope of nutrients that can have a profound effect on health. From folate to sulfur compounds, radishes target many different aspects of the body and can contribute positively to a healthy system, inside and out.

Here are the top benefits of radishes:

Cancer fighting properties

Digestive support

Fungal fighter

Diabetes prevention

Improves Skin

Very Hydrating

Supports Heart Health

Lowers Blood Pressure

Immune Function Enhancement

Easy to prepare and incorporate into your diet radishes are a big nutritional bang.  Summertime is a great time to grab a bunch to crunch.



