Chia Seeds

At just 139 calories for the daily recommended adult dose of 2 tablespoons chia seeds are your best nutritional deal of the day.

Truly a “Superfood” chia seeds are among the healthiest foods on the planet. They’re loaded with nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and fiber that deliver massive amount of nutrients with very few calories and have important benefits for your body and brain.

When purchasing source organic chai seeds. They are a whole-grain food, usually grown organically. Plus, they’re non-GMO, naturally free of gluten and loaded with antioxidants

The carb content is almost all in fiber and combined with the high-quality protein may help you lose weight. Additionally, chia seeds may lower your risk of heart disease, reduce chronic inflammation and contain important bone nutrients

Chia seeds are easy to incorporate into your diet. They can be eaten raw, add a fun crunch to salads, blend nicely in yogurt, pudding, cereal, smoothies and give a little zip to  water bottle. Because of their ability to absorb both water and fat, they can be used to thicken sauces and as egg substitutes in recipes.




Be Happy, Healthy and Hydrated!


Fun with Avocados